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Machine Quilting Workshops

Please Note: Only one design taught per workshop.



1.    On Your Mark! 

Learn to work motif and background designs by using the new marking methods I have developed using aqua-web.  Make the Quilt sandwich draw up the design and then quilt.  On your mark...!   The quilt section below was quilted using this technique. 

Project size:              small squares

Skill Level:               Confident beginner and upward  (a knowledge of free motion machine quilting is required)

Technique:                Free motion machine quilting

Timeframe:              1 day workshop

Requirements:         A free motion quilting foot is essential to this class.

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2. Machine Quilting - Getting Started

Project size:            18” x 22”

Skill Level:             Absolute Beginners

Timeframe:              1 day workshop

Technique:              Machine Quilting, Basting and Ergonomics

Description:            This is a basic class designed to get absolute beginners started on straight line and very basic free-motion quilting.  The class covers basting and simple free-motion patterns.

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3.    Machine quilting - Background and filler patterns level 1


Project size:               1 metre square

Skill Level:                Beginners

Timeframe:               1-day workshop

Technique:                Free Motion Machine Quilting. 

Description:              Free form filler patterns for backgrounds, sashings and borders.  This class has been designed to get you moving the quilt sandwich through the machine with ease.  Lots of information on needles, battings and marking techniques is provided in the class.  Most of the designs appear in my quilt Out To Lunch.

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4.    Machine quilting - Background and filler patterns level 2

An extension of the workshop above giving more complex patterns and introducing new or modern techniques and patterns.

Project size:             50cm square

Skill Level:              Knowledge of free motion quilting required

Timeframe:              1-day workshop

Technique:               Free Motion Machine Quilting. 

Description:             Free form filler patterns for backgrounds, sashings and borders and builds on skills levels using more complex designs/.

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5.    Whole cloth Machine Quilting

Project size:              30” Square

Skill Level:               Confident beginner and upward  (a knowledge of free motion machine quilting is required)

Technique:              Free motion machine quilting

Timeframe:              2 day workshop

Description:             Learn new ways to mark your designs using different methods: 100% soluble stabilizer, iron out pens, wash away pens, chalk and stencils. The workshop convener may choose from a range of 75cm whole cloth designs. 

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6.    Trapunto By Machine


                                                   Feathered Heart


       Trapunto square                                              Oval Wreath

Please select one design only

Project size:             Varying sizes of up to 18” x 22”

Skill Level:              Intermediate and above.  A knowledge of free motion machine quilting is required.

Technique:              Hand –“Whole unit” turned edge appliqué

Timeframe:             1 or two day workshop

Description:            One day - basic simple feathered oval or wreath

                                 Two day - finer points of all trapunto forms are taught plus a more complex design

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Contact details


Mariya Waters



E-mail mariya.waters@yahoo.com.au


Copyright©2012  Mariya Waters  All rights reserved  E&OE